
Developing Your Spirituality - How to Enhance Your Inner Power

All people know that they can talk, walk, smile, and do a host of other actions with their body. But most of them do not know that they can talk about things which they do not know consciously, can go to places without walking there, can smile to persons who are unseen, and that they can do other actions which depend more on their mind and spirit than on their body. These persons do not know that they have an inner power within them and that they can enhance this inner power.

Three Clusters of Inner Power

Your inner power is composed of three clusters of power. The first cluster is mental. When you think about anything, you are using your mental power.

The second cluster in your inner power is psychic or of the soul. Some use the word "soullish" to describe this cluster. You can find this word in some commentaries on the Bible but I have not found such word in the dictionary. The word "psyche" is the Greek word for "soul". When you know of something but you cannot pinpoint the source of such a knowledge, you are using your psychic power.

The third cluster in your inner power is spiritual or pneumatic. The word "pneuma" is the Greek word for "spirit". When you love another fellow human being with a genuine love, that is, without any selfish motive, you are using your spiritual power.

I call them clusters because within each cluster there are specific powers. The philosophers say that our mental power has three basic functions: to know, to remember, and to desire. The psychic cluster of inner power has more than three functions: knowing hidden things, foretelling dangers, seeing from a distance, etc. The spiritual cluster has also more than three functions although the most basic of these are to love, to hope and to believe. But there are others, like to discern, to walk with spirits, etc.

So, you see that if you are a human being you have these three clusters of power. You do not have to be strange looking, like the caricature of a witch, in order to have psychic powers. You have them.

These clusters interact with one another. The mental powers help the psychic and the spiritual powers. The psychic powers function best with the help of the mental and spiritual powers. The spiritual powers become most fruitful with the help from the other clusters of inner power.

How to Enhance Your Inner Power

The first thing that you have to do is to accept the fact that you have this inner power. There is no use trying to enhance something which you think does not exist in you.

Most people think that this inner power is reserved for a select few. It is not. As long as you are a human being you have this inner power. Can you form a thought in your mind? If you can, then you have this inner power.

Secondly, acknowledge that it is up to you to enhance this inner power. Nobody can do it for you. I cannot do it for you. I can give you ideas how you can do the enhancement, but the actual process depends on you.

Thirdly, realize that this enhancement is basically a matter of faith and obedience. As Emerson said, "The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey." I will suggest to you here two exercises which will enhance your inner power, especially your intuition and security from danger. But you have to believe in these exercises and just follow them.

Two Exercises

There are many courses out there which will teach you how to enhance your inner power. You can consult them. Some of them charge a good sum of money. Here I give you only two exercises. These exercises will hopefully enable you to begin enhancing your inner power. The other ways will be given to you by the Spirit who is the ultimate source of this power. After you do these for sometime you keep on heeding that inner prompting of the Spirit in you. You follow your hunches. Some call this the inner voice. I call it prompting because you do not actually hear anything. It is a prompting which you know is there.

Exercise 1. Affirm and feel your oneness with all things.

You can do this while you are resting, before you sleep, or at any time when you can pause from your work. Just say, "I am one with the things, plants, animals and persons around me." Then feel that oneness. Look at the things around you, the table, the chairs, the air, the light, the sounds, and feel your oneness with them. Look at the pets or animals around you, the plants, the trees, the flowers, and feel your oneness with them. You can even think that you are made of materials similar to theirs. You can think of the sun, moon, planets, stars and the spaces between these heavenly bodies and affirm and feel your oneness with them.

When you do this exercise you become united with the Spirit who is in all and who created all. Then he can act in and through you. He will activate your inner power to function as he planned it to be.

Exercise 2. See without seeing.

Again the best time to do this exercise is when you are not doing something in your work. You can do this while you are in your office, or on a walk, or in a place where you are not disturbed.

You take a look at the things around you or at the things beyond you. In a second or two impress them on your mind. Then close your eyes. In your mind with your eyes closed see those things again. It may take only some seconds to do this. Ten seconds would be a long time already.

As you do this, you will be able to sharpen your intuition, your sense of inward sight, seeing things that you do not see with your eyes.


There are two cautions which I give you as you enhance your inner power.

The first is to be careful with your words. As you enhance your inner power the words that come from your mouth will become powerful and effective. For example, you can stop the rain by your mere words. You can control the raging of the fire by your word. Perhaps you will be the one who will be surprised when this happens to you. But it will happen. So, speak only good words to others. If you curse somebody that curse can be realized.

The second caution is more general. Use your inner power only for the benefit of mankind and the rest of creation. Do not use it to destroy others. There is always the danger that you will use this against your enemies. That is why some Christians have discouraged or even prohibited the use of this inner power because they think that it leads to association with the powers of darkness, the Devil or Satan. In itself it does not lead to evil, but the danger is that it can be used for the wrong purposes.

Benefits of Enhancing Your Inner Power

You will experience many benefits when you enhance your inner power.

The most important benefit you will get is that you will lead a healthy, balanced life. The Spirit in you will lead you to balance all the aspects of your life, physical, emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual.

Another benefit is that you will be warned of dangers before they appear in your life. The Spirit knows these dangers ahead of time and he will warn you of them before they happen.

A third benefit is guidance in your life, even in the least detail of your life, like the amount of food you eat. You will be led to live a peaceful, successful life.

There are other benefits but these three are the most important.

So there you are. You can now develop your spirituality, enhancing your inner power whether this power is mental, psychic or spiritual.

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How to Find Strength to Believe in Your Abilities Again

You may be one of many people who as they grow think that they lose some of the abilities they had in their younger days. And now you think you need to find the strength to believe in your abilities again. Actually you are experiencing the desire to wake up spiritually. Once you awaken spiritually this strength will come back to you.

The phenomenon of people sensing that they have lost some of their abilities as they grow older is common. Students in college wonder why they seem unable to get good grades when they had high grades in their elementary years. Adult singers ask why they seem to have lost that golden voice when they were still children. Even seasoned business people ask why they seem unable to prosper in their commercial ventures when they were so successful at the start of those ventures.

All of them think that they have lost their capacity to excel or succeed and they ask: How can I find strength to believe in my abilities again? They presume that if they can only believe in their abilities again, then they will once more succeed in their undertakings, whether these are academic, artistic or financial.

If you have experience this yourself, here are the steps you can do to find the strength to believe in your abilities again.

You Were Born a Champion

The first thing you have to realize is that you were born a champion. Out of the 200 to 500 million sperm cells that your father released into your mother's womb you were the one who came out victorious. You were the best. You were the fastest and you had the greatest strength among your fellow sperms to penetrate the ovum or egg cell of your mother. You had such a wonderful ability then. You are still wonderful in many more ways.

Most of us tend to forget of what stuff we were made of. We were made of the best stuff in the world. We were selected from the best of our kind. We had the best combination of genes, the best pairs of chromosomes to be born into this world.

You were made of the best stuff and the best is still in you. Do not ever forget this.

You Are Destined to Be the Best

Every year we have contests of all sorts: Miss Universe, Miss World, Best Actor, Best Story, Best Software, etc. In the Philippines we have a yearly contest for the Best Teacher.

These contests tell us that only one wins. And most of us think that we can never win in these contests. We do not have such a beautiful body to enter a beauty contest, we do not have acting ability to join the search for the best actor or actress, we do not have any ability to boast of. So we think.

But the truth is that you are the best of your kind. There is no other than yourself. You are most uniquely made, if we can still qualify the word "unique" with the superlative "most". Some grammarians think that is bad English but we can make an exception here, just to impress upon you the truth that you are the only one of a kind. Your fingerprints are unique to you, the thoughts in your head are unique to you.

Because you are the only one of your kind, you are the best. No one can equal you. Your abilities are all your own. They are unique to you.

And because your abilities are unique to you you can believe in them. After all it is your abilities. When you wake up spiritually you will discover again these abilities.

Your Abilities Are Always Developing

As we grow our abilities are also growing with us. In reality there is no limit to the development of our abilities. We see this on the general plane of mankind. There is no limit to what human beings can do. There is a known reason for this which will take time and space for us to dwell upon here. Suffice it to say now that just as human beings in general continue to develop in the path of evolution, whether physical, mental or spiritual, so also in individual human persons this development is unlimited.

You may say that your development as a human person ends with your death. History proves that this is not so. Socrates still lives in classrooms where his method of questioning is used. Aristotle still lives in the classification of plants and animals and in the logic classes taught in our schools. Our great, great grandfathers still live in us.

Atrophied Abilities Are Always Compensated

In our subjects physics and chemistry we learned about the law of the conservation of mass and energy, namely, that mass and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. In a similar way your abilities cannot be created nor destroyed. You were born with them and you will never lose them. But over time if you do not use them they become atrophied. They lose their functionality. They become submerged even in your consciousness so much that you think you do not have them. But the reality is that they are still there. How do you know? Because anything that exists exists forever, just like matter and energy. In fact your abilities are just forms of matter and energy. Therefore they follow the law of the conservation of mass and energy.

But even if your abilities are atrophied, even if you no longer exercise them, they are always compensated by other abilities. The most famous example of this is perhaps Helen Keller. At the age of 19 months she "lost" her ability to hear and see, she became deaf and dumb. But this was compensated wonderfully by her ability to speak (although she could not hear) and write (although she did not see what she wrote).

May I share with you an experience which may help to convince you that your abilities are never "lost" but they are just there waiting to be used or to be compensated. As you can glean from my writings I am just an ordinary fellow. But when I was a child of 5 years old I could read and memorize whole books. As I grew I "lost" this ability. But it was compensated by writing. That ability to read and memorize whole books is still inside me but it has been transformed into writing well.

Find Strength to Believe in Your Abilities Again

To once again find the strength to believe in your abilities, realize that you are a born champion, that you are destined to be the best, that your abilities are always developing, that your atrophied abilities are always compensated.

And finally think about these things often, especially before you sleep, whether you sleep during the day or at night. When you do this you will wake up spiritually and gain the spiritual strength to move on with life towards more and more success.

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for your spiritual growth

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Here are your links to download the e-books for FREE. To download a copy of A NEW CHRIST by Wallace D. Wattles click this website To download a free copy of A NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle click this website I hope that you enjoy reading these free e-books and profit much from them, as I have also profited greatly from them.