
Getting in Touch With Your Spirituality

Just as each person is unique, no two persons have the same way of getting in touch with their spirituality. Each has a unique way of getting in touch with one’s spirituality.

Physical difference is easily seen and distinguished because we see different kinds of people everyday. Some are tall, others are short. Some are young, others are old. Some are slender, others are fat. And so on. Even identical twins have differences.

Mental differences are also apparent. No two persons know exactly the same things in the same way. During our school days we noticed that different persons have different ways of answering questions in an examination and consequently have different grades. Even those with the same grades have different ways of answering their examinations.

There Are Spiritual Differences

Spiritual differences are not so apparent. We think people have spirits and these spirits come from God and will return to God. But we cannot see these spirits because they are invisible realities and therefore we do not easily perceive their differences.

But each spirit is unique. The closest way to perceiving this difference is in the way of speaking. Each person speaks differently, even if he or she has the same vernacular accent as the other, for example, even if both are New Yorkers or Filipinos living in Manila.

So also there is a unique way of getting in touch with one’s spirituality. You have a unique way of getting in touch with your spirituality. How do you do this?

Factors Determining Your Spirituality

There are three most important or most determining factors, among others of less importance, which guide your way in getting in touch with your spirituality. These are 1) your family background, 2) your religious background, and 3) your needs in life.

First, let us discuss your family background. Were you raised in a family with strict discipline? If so, your spirituality will be a disciplined kind of spirituality. You will be bound by rules and regulations in your spirituality.

On the other hand, if your family was easy going, your spirituality will also be a free flowing kind of spirituality, going where the trends would take you.

Reflect for a moment now, what kind of family you had. Your spirituality will be reflective of this spirituality. If you had a kind father, your concept of God will also be that of a kind God. The reverse will also be true. If your father was harsh towards you, your concept of God would also be that of a harsh supreme being.

Secondly, your religious background is important. Were you raised a Catholic? Your spirituality will be reflective of Catholic values, like respect for the clergy, devotion to Mary the mother of Jesus, etc. If you were raised a Muslim, your spirituality will also be reflective of this religion, an orientation to peace, reverence for the Qur’an and the prophets, etc. If you were raised a Buddhist, your spirituality will reflect the values of Buddhism, like compassion for suffering humanity, friendship with all forms of life, etc.

Thirdly, your needs in life help also determine your spirituality. If the needs you perceive are financial, your spirituality will be colored by this. You will cultivate a spirituality which will help you in your quest for financial freedom in life. If the needs you perceive are power and recognition by others, you will cultivate a spirituality which will help you gain power and recognition by others.

Get In Touch with Your Unique Spirituality

How then do you get in touch with your own kind of spirituality? By reflecting on these three factors in your life. Because each one has a different experience in these areas of his or her life, each one has a unique way of getting in touch with his or her own kind of spirituality. As you get in touch with your own kind of spirituality you will get to know yourself better as a spiritual person.

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How to Get Rid of Shamanic Curses

Have you experienced an illness for which your doctor has no explanation as to its cause and therefore could not properly prescribe a medicine? Or have you heard of someone who had such illness that could not be properly analyzed even by medical specialists as to its cause and cure? Or have you yourself encountered a situation, financial or relational or whatever, wherein it seems that there was no way out, no matter how much you tried? Or maybe you heard of someone who was in this situation.

If you have experienced or heard about such situations, you or the one about whom you heard with this situation, may be victims of shamanic curses. The more fearful thing about these shamanic curses is that you may be completely unaware of it and therefore you will be suffering from them without ever realizing you are under these curses. And so you continue to suffer, and go from one medical examination to another, and from one cure to another without getting better. In fact you will just go from bad to worse and further worsening.

So, what precisely are shamanic curses?

Before we can discuss how to get rid of them we first need to have a clear idea what these are so that we can effectively get rid of them, possibly forever from our lives.

Shamanic curses are curses produced by a shaman. So what is a shaman? A shaman is a person who is more conscious of the spirit world we live in than most of us or the average person. These qualities usually describe a shaman:
1. a member of a tribal society
2. he or she acts as an intermediary between our visible world and the invisible world of spirits
3. he or she practices rituals for healing, foretelling of events, and even for influencing the outcome of events.

The word “shaman” is a Russian term, but the dictionary says that the root of this is the Sanskrit “srama” which means “religious exercise”. This term has come to mean many things in its later uses. It has come to mean a non-Christian priest-doctor, someone who performs religious duties and ceremonies in a non-Christian religion, a medicine man or woman, healer, sorcerer, spirit-raiser, voodooist, a witch doctor.

There Are Shamans All Around Us

Lest you think that in the civilized part of the world there are no more shamans let me relate to you a personal story which made me learn more about shamanism.

In 1993 I invited a missionary priest to the university where I was teaching in Cotabato City, Philippines, to give us a seminar-workshop on environmental care. The workshop lasted for several days. In the course of this series of workshop that priest asked one of my staff whether I was a shaman. And that staff told me that the priest asked her whether I was a shaman. Intrigued because at that time I had no idea what a shaman was, I researched what the meaning of this word was. Then I asked myself: What did that priest see in me which made him suspect that I was a shaman? Later on I found out that my concern for the environment and for spiritual things made that priest suspect that I was a shaman.

That story tells us that there are shamans all around even in our civilized world, persons who are interested in spiritual things and are engaged in activities of the spirit. Perhaps you the reader may be a shaman.

How Shamanic Curses Are Produced

How about shamanic curses? Why can shamans produce curses? They can produce curses because they are close to the spirits and have spiritual powers. Their words have powers to effect what they signify. We can understand this a bit by using an illustration from our places of work.

In our work we usually have superiors or managers and inferiors or staff and employees. The work is usually done by predefined procedures. The staff knows what to do already when they come to their places of work. But once in while a manager may request something, like a cup of coffee from his secretary. In this case he has to say something to his secretary to make coffee for him. In doing this he uses words. His words usually have effect. The secretary goes about mixing the coffee.

In the same way the words of a shaman produce the effect of what they signify. This time it is not mixing coffee, but he may request a malignant or demonic spirit to mix several symptoms of illnesses in a person he hates. And that is what can happen. That is how a shamanic curse operates. A person who is close to a spirit can request that spirit to cause the symptoms of sickness or misfortune to appear in another person who has offended him.

How do we get rid of these shamanic curses?

People have found several ways of getting rid of these curses. Some have done this by pinning a religious medal or crucifix on their clothing. Others have used a mixture of herbs which are wrapped around tightly and pinned also on the clothing or tied to a string around one’s body. Others think that carrying ginger or garlic in one’s pocket will ward off shamanic curses.

There is a passage from the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians which speaks of faith as a shield to ward off such curses or influences of the devil. So some have cultivated their faith in God to fight against these curses. Faith here means trust in God, not just belief that there is a God.

But I think the best way to get rid of shamanic curses is union with God. What I mean by this is a constant fellowship with him. Shamanic curses are the work of spirits and they can only be countered by spiritual means. The best means is by having recourse to the Spirit who is the source of all spirits, God himself. There may even come a time when a wicked spirit cannot see you anymore because he sees God himself in you and so he is afraid of you. This happens when you are united with God.

And if you are already a victim of these curses and are currently suffering from them, you can perseveringly pray to God that he gets rid of these curses from you. If you listen to him he will tell you what to do. There are cases when you may be required to compensate or pay restitution to the person you have wronged. But that is part of the bargain. You will be released from these curses if you repair the damage you have done.

The best way is to prevent people from cursing us. And we do this by living close to the God in whom we believe.

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How to Please God Every Day

It seems easy to answer this question: How can we please God everyday? The easy answer is: You can please God simply by obeying him, loving him and serving him everyday.

The cynic may ask: Why do you still want to please God, when he is already God? He is perfect, he does not need anything. He does not need us in order to be himself. He does not need to be pleased.

People Do Want to Please God

On the other hand there are people everywhere, Christians and non-Christians, who desire to please God everyday. The proof of this is the daily attendance in church or temple services, whether Mass or other prayer services, or Bible study groups or prayer meetings, or rituals and sacrifices. Thousands upon thousands of people do want to please God.

To those who sincerely want to please God everyday, this article is addressed.

Pleasing God Is Not a Matter of Simply Obeying Him

To those who think that pleasing God is a simple matter of obeying him I have this observation to give. Deep within herself the human being knows that simply obeying God even in all his commandments does not really satisfy her, her desires and expectations in life. There is something more that she wants to do besides obeying God.

That is why we have that story of a man who approached Jesus and said that he had obeyed God's commandments since his youth but he wanted something more in his life. He expected Jesus to give this to him, what seemed lacking in his life.

The reply of Jesus was that he was to sell all he had, give the proceeds to the poor, and follow him. At this point this man was torn between following God all the way or clinging to his earthly possessions. He chose the latter. He decided not to please God.

Thus pleasing God is not as simple as obeying his commandments. There is something more required. Pleasing God everyday is not so easy and simple. When the man was given the chance to please God, he chose to please himself by clinging to his possessions. It was most difficult for him to please God.

How To Really Please God Everyday

How then do we please God everyday? Obviously it starts with obeying him, his laws and rules as revealed to us in books written under his inspiration, like the Bible, and as made known to our mind during prayer time and outside of prayer time. This is the minimum requirement in pleasing God but it is not the full requirement.

There is a fuller, deeper way of pleasing God, a way that he desires all of us to have because it is a way which also most satisfies our yearning to please God. Stated simply it is this: We please God everyday by enjoying him everyday. Or to put it in another way, God is most pleased with us everyday if we enjoy him more and more everyday.

The idea of enjoying God may seem new to most people but it is a dimension of our life which most of us lack. We were taught to obey God, to fear him, to love him, to serve him. But to enjoy God was not taught or given emphasis during our early years in learning about God.

We enjoy good food, a warm relationship, a beautiful sight, but to say that we enjoy God seems not heard of or not proper.

But if we come to think of it seriously, the reason why God wants us to fear him, to obey him, love him and serve him, is in order that we may come to enjoy him. This can be proved by looking at the nature of things.

If we reflect on the nature of things around us, we can conclude sooner or later that they are there for us to enjoy: the taste of good food, the comfort of our clothing, the safety of our homes, our good health, our educational attainment, our successes in life. If this is so, if these things are enjoyable, shall we not conclude that the one who ultimately created all these things is also an enjoyable being? For where did these things get their quality of being enjoyable if not from their source, their creator?

Therefore God is the supremely enjoyable being. When Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, realized this, he exclaimed, "O Beauty, so ancient and so new, too late have I loved you!"

God Is in Everything We See and Do

But how can we enjoy God everyday when we have so many things to do? We have work at home, in the field, in the offices, in the institutions we work. The answer to this question is: In the very things that we do we enjoy God, even in the very pots and pans in the kitchen, as Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada once wrote.

There is a prayer in the book called The Book of Privy Counseling which expresses this truth clearly and yet very briefly. The prayer runs this way: "That which I am and have, I offer to you, O Lord, for you are it entirely." In other words God is what I am and have. (But do not reverse the subject and predicate, saying, what I am and have is God. This would be pantheism, the belief that everything is God.) God is in me and in everything I see, think, say and do.

When we realize this, that God is in everything, then we can enjoy God in everything. And enjoying him we please him. We enjoy God every day and we shall please him every day. For this is what he desires of us to do, that we simply enjoy him. And in enjoying him we please him most.

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How to Be Obedient to God

At first thought there seems to be no reason why there should be any difficulty in being obedient to God. After all almost all of us, exempting only hard core atheists and agnostics, believe that God created us and everything around us. It is only natural and proper that we obey him.

The Difficulty of Obeying God

But the fact of the matter is that most find it difficult, if not downright impossible, to obey God. The proof of this is the violence, crimes, discord and misunderstanding we find all around us. If people have no difficulty or not finding it impossible to obey God, then we would not have these terrible problems of peacelessness all around us. All would be obeying God and all would be in harmony with God and with one another.

Why We Need To Obey God

But before we can discuss how to be obedient to God we have to discuss a bit about the why. Why do we need to be obedient to God? The reasons are so simple and yet so difficult to really internalize in our life.

We need to be obedient to God because ultimately we came from him, ultimately we are going back to him and because ultimately everything that happens in this world happens according to his will.

We need to be obedient because we came from God. He alone knows of what stuff we are made of and for what purpose we are made. So obeying him is simply natural since he alone knows where we are heading in life to. We do not know the direction of our life really. Only God knows. So, obeying him is the safest way to conduct ourselves in life.

We need to be obedient because we are going back to God. At the end of it all we are going to face him and he is going to ask us how we have lived. It would be most unwise to answer that we lived our lives disobeying him. The best answer we can give him is that we lived our lives according to the pattern he set for us, simply obeying him.

We need to be obedient to God because everything that happens around us is ultimately due to his will. So if we insist on disobeying this will we will be the losers. He will win anyway at the end of the game. So, why go against him? It is better to obey him and win with him at the end.

Having very briefly discussed why we need to obey God, let us now go to the how. How are we to be obedient to God?

How Are We To Obey God

We are to be obedient to God by knowing more and more of him. There are people who say that God made this world and everything on it and left it to operate according to the laws he put therein. These people claim that God is impersonal. He may just be a Supreme Force that works in the affairs of men and nations by laws which he put in these affairs.

But if we try to know more and more of this God we will find that he is not just a force. He is a person. He is a God who is most interested in all our affairs. But again we will not come to know this aspect of God if we do not care to advance in our personal knowledge of him.

And how are we going to know more of God so that we can obey him with love and affection? We can look at the things he created and reflect on his goodness, power and wisdom. We can read the books that are written about him in all the religions of the world, not just in the Christian Bible. Then we can get acquainted with people who we know are very close to God and ask them about God. Certainly they can tell us more about God. And we can get down to our knees or sit down and converse with God as with a friend. He will tell us more about himself.

Secondly, after knowing more of God, we can obey him gladly and not with constraint. Sometimes we feel that some of his commandments are unfair, like loving our enemies. But if we really know God, this will no longer be a problem. We will know God is most fair, making his sun shine and his rain fall on his friends and enemies. Knowing that God is most fair, we will not force ourselves to obey God. We will joyfully obey God.

Thirdly, as we get to know more of God, and as we continue to obey him gladly, we will love him more and more and our obedience will be just an expression of our love for him. We will obey him, not because we fear him, as maybe our teachers in religion have taught us (threatening us with hell if we didn’t obey), but we will obey God because we love him.

Then if we obey God because we love him, we shall be obeying the greatest commandment of all: To love God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul and with all our strength.

How are we to be obedient to God? We are to be obedient to God by knowing more of him, by gladly obeying him and by loving him. In return God will give us the best which he has in store for us.

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How to Listen to the Holy Spirit

Do you know that the Holy Spirit keeps on communicating with you? Maybe you don't. Maybe you think that the Holy Spirit talks to you only on certain occasions, like when he has a special message to you or he has a specific mission for you to do.

The Holy Spirit Always Communicates With Us

The fact is that the Holy Spirit keeps on communicating with you, that is, if you are a genuine Christian or a genuine believer in God, no matter what your religion is. You may not know this. That is why this article is written so that you may know that the Holy Spirit keeps on talking to you and you may be able to listen to him attentively, devoutly and do what he bids you to do.

The proof that the Holy Spirit keeps on communicating with you is your mind and spirit. You keep on thinking. Your brain keeps on functioning as long as you are alive. Psychologists have proven to us already that even in sleep our brain and mind keep on working. Dreams are the works of our mind while our bodies are asleep.

When we think or even when we want to stop our thinking consciously we are producing ideas or entertaining attitudes and emotions. We may look at a picture and stop analyzing the picture. We simply look at it, without bothering to think about the picture. But certain impressions come into our mind: the beauty of the picture, the combination of colors, the shades in the picture, etc. And we enjoy the picture.

Now producing ideas and entertaining attitudes and emotions are works that the Holy Spirit inspires us to perform. He is there in our mind and spirit enabling us to produce these ideas and entertain these attitudes and emotions. Without him we can do nothing, our mind and spirit cannot function. He is the breath that gives life, and he is the life that enables us to think, speak, act and do what we are supposed to do.

It is very clear now that the Holy Spirit works in our mind and spirit without ceasing, even in our sleep. Ultimately he is the one in control of our dreams. That is why there are times when he explicitly communicates with us through dreams, as he did in the case of Joseph, the husband of Mary, in the Gospels.

The First Step Is To Acknowledge He Always Communicates With Us

Now, accepting this reality in our life is the beginning of listening to the Holy Spirit. Becoming always conscious of this is a habit which enables us to listen to him without our being conscious of it. An example will illustrate what I want to say here.

There are times when we turn on the music when we work. Certainly we listen to the music but we are not explicitly conscious of it. What we are explicitly conscious of is the work at hand, like typing on the keyboard of a computer. The music serves as a background.

In the same way when we are first conscious of the work of the Holy Spirit in our mind and spirit, and then we go to our work, what we are explicitly conscious of is the work at hand, but this idea of the Holy Spirit working in our mind and spirit is at the back of our consciousness, serving as a background for our work, like the music.

So, the first step in listening to the Holy Spirit is to acknowledge that he communicates with us every moment of the day and night while our mind and brain are functioning, while we are still physically alive.

Second Step Is To Be Conscious of His Work In Us

The second step is to be first conscious of this work of the Holy Spirit before we do a certain job, like preparing ourselves to go to work, or working in the farm or offices, wherever duty expects us. This idea then becomes like a background music in our work.

Third Step Is Availability

The third step is to be always available to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as we do our work or rest. He will inspire us with the proper ideas in our work. After all it was he who designed and created this world of ours. He may tell us to move this, to go there, to speak to a certain person, etc. If we have performed the first two steps, this third will be most easy. It will come about naturally.

Fourth Step Is Obedience

And the fourth step is to follow what we think is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As we follow he will give us more inspiration in our work and leisure. If we do not follow, he will still work in us, but he will less and less speak to us explicitly, until we no longer hear his soft, still voice. He will still speak to us in general terms, but we become more and more deaf to his voice.

These are the four steps in listening to the Holy Spirit.

Do Not Schedule Him

You may have thought when you looked at the title of this article that I would begin by advising you to pray and there in prayer to listen to the Holy Spirit. While we can listen to him during prayer, it is not only in prayer that he communicates with us. He communicates with us all the time. In fact explicit prayer, assigning a place and time for prayer, may hinder us in listening to the Spirit. Remember, he is like a wind, he blows where he wills. Making him speak to us only during explicit prayer time is like putting a plaster on his mouth or binding his hands outside of this prayer time. We are virtually telling him to speak to us only when we want, which is the opposite of the proper attitude in dealing with the Spirit of God. Let him speak to us always, as he desires, during explicit prayer time or outside of it, as we do our work or as we rest.

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The Benefits of Daily Prayer

There are many psychological benefits of daily prayer. You feel that you have fulfilled an obligation. You also feel that you are better than the others who do not pray everyday. You may even feel that you are right with your God because you have fulfilled an obligation.

Not Really Benefits But Drawbacks

But on reflection these benefits are not really genuine benefits. They are benefits that may rather mislead you to your spiritual ruin. Thinking that you are better off than others who do not pray everyday is rather a possible deception rather than a benefit. There are certainly many others who do not pray everyday but are better off than you. The proof for this can be easily done. You just look at the children around you. They are certainly better off than you in spiritual values although most of them do not pray everyday. They are more carefree, more cheerful, more playful, more trusting than you.

In fact the psychological benefits I mentioned above, if you think you have these, are signs that you are not really praying. You may be going to the church and attend Mass daily, or you may be opening your Bible and meditate on the words there daily and speak with the one who you think is your God, or you may gather daily in a prayer circle where after some reflection on the Bible you lift up prayer requests among your companions to God for your self and for others. But if the effect of all these actions is that you think you are better off than others who do not pray, that you have fulfilled an obligation, that you are now right with your God, then certainly it is very clear that you have not really prayed. You have gone through a series of rituals or actions which pretended that you pray but in reality you only boasted your self or ego. It was an ego trip.

The benefits of real, genuine daily prayer are far different from these psychological benefits.

What Genuine Prayer Is

So, first of all, what is genuine prayer? Genuine prayer is frequent, solitary, loving conversation with God. It is frequent. It does not happen once in a while when we are stuck with problems. It is done many times during the day, not just once or three or thirty times. It is something that is spontaneous, as spontaneous as we would converse with a friend.

Genuine prayer is solitary. There is an aloneness and silence surrounding real prayer. You may pray amidst a crowd but even there you are in recollection, by yourself, and silent in your demeanor.

And finally, genuine prayer is a loving conversation. It is a conversation between lovers. You feel a closeness to God which you cannot feel outside of this period of genuine prayer.

This is the kind of prayer which produces great benefits for us, spiritual and otherwise.

Benefits of Daily, Genuine Prayer

The first general benefit from daily, genuine prayer is growth in self-knowledge. We know more of our selves. This is because God is like a mirror. By conversing and looking at him during prayer time we see ourselves more truly. In genuine prayer we see God as he is, not just as we want him to be. And God tells us who we are. We become truly ourselves and see truly ourselves in daily genuine prayer. We see God for who he is and we realize who we are.

The second benefit, which flows from this, is that we become humble. Seeing who God is and realizing who we are makes us see ourselves for what we really are, poor creatures of God. This is not surprising because genuine self-knowledge always produces true knowledge of our weaknesses and strengths before God. We come to know ourselves as poor sinners, if we use the language of theology. We realize our helplessness. We know without God we can do nothing.

The third benefit, which in turn flows from this, is that we become confident. This is paradoxical. Knowing our helplessness we become confident, instead of feeling helpless. This happens because we now know that we can bank on the strength and power of God. As we know our incapacity, we realize God’s infinite capacity to do things through us and for us.

These are the three primary benefits we get from daily, genuine prayer. Other benefits flow from these three primary benefits. We become more active in our work because we know we possess strength and power beyond those of our own. We have less worry in our lives because we know that we can do all things through him who strengthens us. And we become loving and considerate of others because we are near the source of love, God himself, and we know also the weaknesses of others.

If these benefits are enjoyed by us, then we are really genuinely praying every day. But if the opposite attitudes are in us, if we become proud, worried, unloving and inconsiderate of others, we are not really praying everyday no matter what religious exercises we are going through, whether we call them meditation or contemplation or retreat or recollection or prayer rallies.

Daily prayer, genuine daily prayer, makes us know ourselves better, humble, confident, loving, less worried about our affairs, more active in our work and considerate of others.

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